Can I see a Friend's availability calendar?

As of now, does not offer an integrated availability calendar feature on our platform. The best way to find out a Friend's availability is to directly reach out to them through the platform's messaging system.

How to Confirm a Friend's Availability:

  1. Initial Contact: Once you find a Friend you're interested in, initiate a conversation through the messaging feature on their profile.
  2. Inquire About Availability: In your message, ask about the Friend's availability for the dates and times you're interested in. You may also inquire about alternative dates in case they are not available on your preferred date.
  3. Discuss Details: Once the Friend responds, you can then discuss and finalize the details of your meetup, including the time, duration, and location.


  • Plan Ahead: The sooner you reach out, the more likely you are to secure your desired date and time. Friends' schedules can fill up, particularly around weekends and holidays.
  • Be Flexible: If possible, have a range of dates and times in mind to make it easier to find a mutually convenient slot.
  • Clear Communication: Make sure you and your Friend have a clear, mutual understanding of the planned date, time, and activities to avoid any misunderstandings.

While we do not have an availability calendar at the moment, we understand the value of such a feature and will consider it for future updates to our platform. In the meantime, direct communication is the best way to confirm a Friend's availability. If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, feel free to contact our customer support team.

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