Username Policy
At RentAFriend, we are committed to fostering a safe and inclusive community for all users. Therefore, inappropriate usernames and display names that violate our Community Guidelines are strictly prohibited.
Given the significant impact usernames have across our platform, we hold them to higher standards to reduce harm within our community.
Indefinite suspensions are issued for usernames and display names that clearly violate our standard Community Guidelines or are indicative of malicious behavior. These include:
- References to terrorism or terrorist organizations
- References to child grooming or exploitation
- Threats of real-life violence against others
- Hateful conduct, including slurs and derogatory terminology
- Harassment and sexual harassment
- Threats or promotion of suicide and self-harm
- Unauthorized sharing of private information
- Impersonation of another person, company, or organization
- Glorification of natural or violent tragedies
For cases where users may be acting in good faith but their username violates our policies, we mandate a username or display name reset instead of an indefinite suspension. These resets occur in situations where the name would breach our username policy but wouldn't typically violate our Community Guidelines for other types of content. Additionally, some violations of our Community Guidelines in usernames and display names may also result in a username reset. These include:
- References to hard drugs, recreational drugs, and drug abuse
- References to pornography, sexually explicit content, or behavior
- Using terms related to sexual orientation or disability in a derogatory context
Repeatedly violating our username policy will lead to further enforcement actions against your account, potentially resulting in an indefinite suspension.
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our username policy to create a safer and more welcoming environment for everyone in the RentAFriend community.